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Home > Recipes > Claypot Rice with Chinese Sausage and Shiitake Mushroom
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Claypot Rice with Chinese Sausage and Shiitake Mushroom

Try this delicious Claypot rice, featuring chinese sausage, shiitake mushrooms and Tilda Fragrant Jasmine rice. This dish is all about the fragrance and textures so Jasmine rice is perfect for its slightly sticky and sweet floral notes. The rice steams while absorbing the flavours of the sweet cured sausage and mushroom stock, and the bottom layer chars forming a delicious crispy crust. This is a dish you cook and serve straight from the claypot to oohs and ahhs. Courtesy of Shu Han Lee. 

  • 16 - 30 Minutes
  • Medium
  • 2




  • 1/2 cup uncooked Tilda Fragrant Jasmine rice
  • 1 small claypot, soaked overnight
  • Small handful of dried shiitake mushrooms
  • 2 teaspoons soy sauce
  • 1 teaspoons oyster sauce
  • 1 Chinese sausage
  • 1-2 cloves garlic
  • Greens e.g. pak choi
  • Chopped spring onions
  • 1 teaspoon kecap manis 
  • Sesame oil

How to make Claypot Rice with Chinese Sausage and Shiitake Mushroom

  1. Soak rice in cold water for 30 mins.

  2. Soak dried shiitake in 1/2 cup warm water, with the soy sauce and oyster sauce stirred in for 30 mins.

  3. Meanwhile prep your ingredients. Slice the sausage diagonally, chop garlic and greens.

  4. When the shiitake mushrooms are soft and plump, drain, squeezing the liquid out, and slice. Reserve the liquid, that forms your mushroom stock!

  5. Heat claypot over medium heat. Drizzle neutral oil and sesame oil down the sides.

  6. Fry the garlic till golden. Then add the drained, rinsed rice. Lightly sauté to coat the grains with oil.

  7. Pour in the mushroom stock and bring to a simmer. Arrange the Chinese sausage and mushrooms over.

  8. Cover and turn the heat down to low and cook for 10 mins.

  9. Uncover, add your greens. Cover again and turn the heat up to high for 2 mins.

  10. Serve and uncover at the table. In Singapore we finish the dish with thick sweet soy /kecap manis, spring onions, more sesame oil if you like. Dig up, making sure you get the best bits at the bottom