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Carryduff Recipe 2

Winner Spinner Chicken Dinner

Discover the winning recipe from our Caterer’s Challenge 2024 winners – Carryduff School in Northern Ireland

  • 16 - 30 Minutes
  • Easy
  • Serves 100




  • 5kg Tilda Brown & White Rice
  • 500g Chicken stock
  • 5kg Butternut squash
  • 4kg Peas
  • 5kg Chicken
  • 4.5kg Gammon
  • 10 litres Bistro Best (beef)
  • Fresh parsley & seasoning- as required
  • Janine’s Stuffing
  • 2kg Breadcrumbs
  • 1.25kg Butter
  • 50g Dried parsley
  • 25g Mixed spice
  • 1.25kg White onion (finely diced)
  • 500g Garlic puree
  • Giant Yorkshire Pudding
  • (makes 6): This is optional
  • 280g Plain flour
  • 400ml Milk (semi skimmed)
  • 8 Eggs
  • Salt & pepper
  • 3 Ladles of oil
  • 6 Sandwich tins (8 inch)


  1. Steam or roast chicken & gammon until cooked through- once cooked, chop, dice or shred.

  2. Cook rice in stock- steam or boil.

  3. Combine stuffing ingredients- melt butter, add onion, garlic, parsley & mixed spice. Add breadcrumbs, mix well and place on a baking tray. After 10 minutes, stir and place back in the oven until golden brown.

  4. Prep butternut squash- diced to roughly 2cm cubes and roast.

  5. Parboil peas

  6. Make Yorkshire Pudding at this stage if desired- whisk together eggs, flour, milk and seasoning. Place half a ladle of oil in the base of an 8 inch sandwich tin, place tins with oil in the oven to heat. Remove from oven and divide mix evenly between tins and bake at 200oC for 12 minutes. Do not open the oven during baking.

  7. Make Bisto- as per guidance

  8. Chop parsley for garnish. To finish- in a large bowl combine rice, chicken, gammon, stuffing, butternut squash and peas. Season to taste. Portion into Yorkshire pudding, drizzle with Bisto and garnish with chopped parsley. For a saucier finish add extra Bisto through combined dish.