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Malaysian Rice Pudding

Malaysian Rice Pudding Cake with Coconut Ice Cream

With rice wafer, pandan syrup and mango gel.

Created by New City College student chefs, winners of the Tilda Best Use of Rice Award at Zest Quest Asia 2019.

  • Hard





  • 100g Tilda Arborio Rice
  • 300ml coconut milk
  • 2 pandan leaf knots
  • 4 lime leaves, finely chopped
  • 2 eggs
  • 130g sugar

Coconut Ice Cream

  • 350ml double cream
  • 400ml coconut milk
  • 100g egg yolk
  • 100g sugar
  • 100g desiccated coconut
  • 4 tbsp charcoal

Pandan Syrup

  • 150g sugar
  • 80ml water

Mango Gel

  • 150ml water
  • 60g sugar
  • Diced mango
  • 1g xanthan gum

Charcoal Syrup

  • 150g sugar
  • 80ml water
  • 3 tbsp activated charcoal


  1. For the Rice - Rinse the rice with water thoroughly, place into a saucepan with the coconut milk and pandan leaf knots.

  2. Bring to the boil and then turn the heat down to simmer.

  3. Cook until all the liquid has been absorbed, the mix through the chopped lime leaves. Reserve 50g of the rice for the crisp.

  4. Whisk the eggs with the sugar until pale, then gently mix with the rice pudding.

  5. Grease moulds lined with paper, then bake in the oven at 180°C for approximately 15-18 minutes.

  6. For the Rice Wafer - Puree the cooked rice mixture, spread evenly over a Silpat and cook at 60°C 50% humidity to dehydrate.

  7. Deep-fry at 190°C to crisp.

  8. For the Coconut Ice Cream - Heat the cream with the coconut milk.

  9. Whisk the egg yolk and sugar until pale, then whisk on the liquid.

  10. Return to the heat with the desiccated coconut and charcoal

  11. Mix until the mixture coats the back of a spoon, then chill in a blast chiller.

  12. Churn in an ice cream machine.

  13. For the Pandan Syrup - Dissolve the sugar with the water and bring to the boil.

  14. Remove from the heat and cool.

  15. Wash the pandan leaves well and cut into large dice, then blitz with the chilled sugar syrup.

  16. Pass through a cloth and reduce for the correct consistency.

  17. For the Mango Gel - Combine the water with the sugar then bring to the boil.

  18. Add the diced mango and simmer gently until the mango is soft.

  19. Place in a blender and blend until smooth with the xanthan gum, then pass through a sieve and place into a plastic bottle.

  20. For the Charcoal Syrup - Dissolve the sugar with the water and bring to the boil.

  21. Add the activated charcoal, mix well, and dissolve to the correct consistency.