Uyghur Ginger-Cumin Lamb Polo Rice with Smashed Cucumber Salad
A perfect medley of spice and aromas that definitely pack a punch!
Herby Rice Salad
This dish makes a great side for pork chops or chicken drumsticks.
Fruity Rice Salad
For an extra fruity salad, replace dried apricots with some freshly segmented orange.
Feta and Broccoli Basmati Salad
Chicken Power Bowl
Filled with a layered salad made of chicken and cooked rice sautéed garlic, cumin & mustard seeds.
Summery Feta and Avocado Rice Salad
Tilda Pure Basmati’s unique, long, slender grains stay separate when cooked, making them ideal for salads.
Basmati & Wild Sunshine Salad
Basmati and Wild Rice Salad
Basmati and wild rice salad with saffron cauliflower, honey-roast pears and zhoug by Anna Hansen.
Tilda Arborio Rice Pudding and Jam
Coconut Jasmine & Ginger Brûlée
With thanks to Alex Wilcock and her students at Farnborough College of Technology who created this delicious recipe.
Gulai Kepala Ikan
Created by New City College student chefs, winners of the Tilda Best Use of Rice Award at Zest Quest Asia 2019.
Brown and White Rice
Asian Sweet Potato Curry
Take your pupils on a journey of discovery with this vibrant Asian Sweet Potato Curry.