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Thyme Roasted Guinea Fowl

On Sweet Potato Cream with Wild Mushroom and Parmesan Risotto Pane.

  • Hard
  • Serves 10





  • 600g Tilda Arborio Risotto Rice
  • 6 large shallots
  • 6 cloves of garlic
  • 1 litre mushroom stock (you may not need all of this)
  • 200g parmesan cheese
  • 1/2 bottle of white wine
  • 1/4 bunch of rubbed thyme
  • 200ml cream
  • 250g wild mushroom duxelle


  • 500g panko breadcrumbs
  • 8 whole eggs
  • 1/4 pint of milk, mixed with the 8 whole eggs
  • Seasoned flour

Sweet Potato Cream

  • 500g sweet potatoes
  • 600ml whipping cream
  • 1/2 bulb of garlic
  • Seasoning

Guinea Fowl

  • 5 whole guinea fowl crowns, breasts on the crown and leg meat confited and formed into a rillette
  • 4 large shallots
  • 1 whole bulb of garlic
  • A bunch of fresh thyme
  • A bunch of fresh rosemary

To Serve

  • 1 pint chicken stock reduction


  1. Finely dice the shallots and garlic.

  2. Sweat the shallots down in butter, without colouring, and then add the rice and herbs and stir continuously.

  3. Add the white wine and reduce until all liquid has gone.

  4. Cover with half the stock and the cream.

  5. When the rice is cooked and liquid reduced, add the Parmesan cheese and spread onto a thin tray to cool.

  6. Ball the mushroom duxelle into ½ golf ball sized pieces.

  7. When rice is cold mould it around the mushroom ball and place in fridge to chill.

  8. Ball the rillette leg meat into the same size as the mushroom balls and place in the fridge to chill.

  9. Set up three trays, one with seasoned flour, the second with beaten eggs and milk and the third with the panko breadcrumbs.

  10. To start, roll the risotto balls in flour then in egg wash, then roll into the breadcrumbs. Then back into egg wash then breadcrumbs again. This will give a great crust.

  11. Place the balls onto a tray and place in the fridge.

  12. Peel the sweet potatoes, cut into even shapes and place into a pan.

  13. Cover with cream and water, and then add the garlic.

  14. Boil until the potatoes are soft. Drain and keep the liquid.

  15. Blend the cooked potatoes in a food processor and season.

  16. Add a little liquid if needed and then place to one side until needed.

  17. Roast, in a preheated oven at 180°C/Gas Mark 6, the guinea fowl with the herbs, shallots and garlic for 20 minutes.

  18. When cooked turn on its breast to rest in a warm place for least 10 minutes.

  19. Deep fry the risotto balls in oil heated to 180°C until golden brown, then place in the oven until heated right though. Place on kitchen paper to drain away any excess oil.

  20. Place a drag of the potato cream onto a warm plate and place a guinea fowl breast next to this.

  21. Finally place a risotto ball on top of the sweet potato cream and serve with warmed chicken jus in a jug.