Make Your Menu Work For You

Research has shown that menu descriptors can strongly influence what your customers will order, and done well, they can help you premiumise your menu and drive margin.
Authenticity and provenance continue to be strong consumer drivers, with recent independent research showing that 78% of consumers want to know the authenticity and provenance of a dish when eating out of home. When it comes to rice, customers are more likely to choose a dish when the variety is specified e.g. Jasmine or Arborio, over a dish where the descriptor is simply ‘rice’. In fact, research has shown that 43% would pay more for a risotto which names Arborio as the rice used in the dish, over one that is just simply written as risotto*. This is an easy way to drive higher margins, whilst at the same time offering your customers what they want – a dish that sounds as good as it tastes.
Research shows that naming the rice variety on your menu can help maximise your profits – discover more about ‘The Art of Rice’, and how understanding your customer can help you drive margin, in the infographic below.
Click below to download our handy how-to guide on crafting menu descriptors to bring your dishes to life on the menu and drive all important margin.
Employ these simple but effective restaurant menu writing tips for increased profits and harness…The Art of Rice.
*Source: Toluna Research August 2017, Sample Size 1,000