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Our top 5 gluten free tips

07 April 2021

Gluten Tips

Going Gluten Free can be a little daunting without the any help.

With the right information, embracing your Gluten Free lifestyle will be a breeze. Here are our top 5 tips to get you started.

Focus on what you can eat!
Instead of thinking about all the things you can’t have, focus on the things you can enjoy. There are plenty of naturally Gluten Free fresh and fibre-rich foods. Fruit, vegetables and dairy are all great Gluten Free options, while grains and seeds like Brown Basmati and Quinoa are fantastic sources of fibre that will keep you feeling fuller for longer.

Make a shopping list
By being prepared, you are less likely to pick up any accidental non-Gluten Free ingredients. It’s also cost effective as if you stick to your list, you won’t end up buying unnecessary ingredients that will probably go to waste.

Do your research
Your shopping list will be much easier to create when you’ve decided on your meals for the week. There are plenty of delicious, wholesome and filling Gluten Free recipes in the Eat Well section of our website! Why not try this fragrant Turkey Tagine for a flavoursome and filling dish.

Use Gluten Free swaps
Going Gluten Free doesn’t have to mean giving up your favourite foods. Gluten Free substitutes are becoming more widely available, and you could always use naturally Gluten Free alternatives such as Basmati rice, which is an excellent source of fibre.

Check back of pack
Under UK law, all packaged food are required to show allergen information on labelling, so check for ingredients which may aggravate a gluten allergy or intolerance, such as oats, barley, wheat, rye or spelt.

We’d love to hear all of your tips for following a Gluten Free diet. Share them with us @TildaBasmati or let us know on our Facebook page.